Maria Blanc Zoco
Dr. Datcher
Publishing a Journal
February 9, 2015
After watching Bill Ray´s movie Shutter Glass, I started
thinking about the credibility we give to certain news the media portrays. Is
everything reliable? Why should we trust a certain source instead of a less
popular one? I believe the power of reporters and writers is to convey the
truth, if such truth is violated by the authors then what they portray is a
living lie. Throughout the movie I was astonished by the stubbornness
Stephen Glass portrayed in relation to his work. Not until the end of the
film did he admit that he was not telling the truth. I believe that sometimes
we are too blind with the popularity of certain news that we talk ourselves
into believing them. An example of this living lies are tabloids. We tend to
believe in tabloids because of who they talk about and the pictures they show.
However none of the information is usually true. I believe that lying in a
professional environment is extremely concerning since the effect of the lie
does not only stay in the establishment but it also has repercussions outside.
In other words, lying in a work environment creates a snow ball effect. In the
movie, Stephen started getting his articles published and publication after
publication he lied until his secret was exposed. A lie can take a person far
but not for a long time. A vivid example are the cases of corruptions within
the government. We vote because we believe in the leaders that will make our
country great. However, by stealing money they prove that the values and morals
they show through their political campaign are non-existent. Another example is
that of Lance Armstrong. For years he was idolized as one of our country´s best
cyclist, he won seven Tour de France and was an olympic medallist. After his
2011 official retirement many speculations regarding doping surrounded him. It
was not until his interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2013 that he publicly
admitted his drug use during the seven tours. As a result, his olympic
medal got taken away as well as the title for the seven tours. Just like
Stephen Glass, Lance developed a long term lie that ended up being exposed by
other sources. Both men created a world where people preached them and saw them
as important characters in both the writing and the sports industry. As a
result of their lies both men become frowned upon. In conclusion, both
situations show how lying on the job does not only jeopardize a person´s career
but also their placement on society before and after.
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