Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hometown Pasadena

I went home this weekend. It didn’t end up being the best decision. It was raining so I had to be inside most of the time, and being trapped inside, especially in my Mom’s house, either makes me depressed or go a little stir crazy.

These days, Pasadena’s pretty limited in terms of people my age I know that still live there. Since I had nothing else to do do I drove to Starbucks, the only place where you can charge your laptop in Pasadena, to chip away at the mountain of work in between that degree and me in May.

Driving around my hometown in the “off-season” when everyone’s at school has been a strange experience this year. It’s like a totally different universe. The last time I lived here full time, I was in high school going to house parties and being a bum with an amazing amount of time on my hands that I would kill for these days.

I went to my first two years of college at the University of Portland, and coming home was never as jarring because I was only home during the summers. Now that I go to LMU in West Los Angeles, only a few miles from my parents and the few friends I have that are still living there, I end up in Pasadena a lot more often now.

When I go back now it’s like all that life that used to be here in my context is gone, replaced by what else, the new generations of high school kids and our aging parents.

With the prospect of graduation looming ever closer, it makes me wonder what Pasadena is going to be like when people start coming back, if they start coming back. A little part of me in the back of my mind always thinks that one way or another, in my adult life, I’ll be back in Pasadena. It’s a nice place to have a family and settle up if you can afford private high school because the public schools are some of the worst. But in this stage of my life, 21 years old, my own hometown is feels infinitely un-relatable.  

 -Sean Eckhardt 

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