Gap Year Affirmation
Graduation is around the corner with about 50 days left. Many seniors who are graduating seem to have it all figured out, a good number have in mind post-grad service, internships, research, Graduate school, some consider going right into the workforce full time, and others plan to travel--one of the most compelling alternatives to my taste. These are only a few of the choices destined for future, alumnus; who have already set their mind on something.
Several others are opting for the famous gap year. As days get closer to graduation, a much smaller group of students are feeling sentiments of confusion and disorientation as is my current state, I constantly find myself asking what’s next and can’t find an answer within.
Senior Lei, one of my transfer friends has been preparing for the culmination of her undergraduate year--during the Summer of 2016, she traveled to Rome and during Fall semester prepared for the GRE, she seemed enthusiastic about applying for a doctorate degree in Psychology, her top choices where UCLA and Yale. However, other senior classmates or friends face a different reality.
Unlike Lei, it is difficult to make up one’s mind when it comes to picking a master’s program to even began the application process for the upcoming semester. I haven’t decided which of my three interests I’m the most passionate about whether it’s Counseling in higher education, Public Policy, or Urban Planning; and furthermore, It’s difficult to decide a specialty where research or service is lacking. Therefore, to gain more stability this Summer and perhaps Fall I would like to dedicate time investing in a young adolescent mentorship program, do an internship with a non-profit organization and work part-time as a Special Instruction Coach at my former Community College.
The purpose and goal of all this is that at the end I will focus on a specialty leading me to a job I love, open a series of job opportunities, and provide growth all at the same time. American Gap Association mentions on their website the benefits that come with taking time off before pursuing a graduate degree, and states that, “students who have completed their Gap Years have reported being as much as 75% more likely to be "happy" or "extremely satisfied" with their careers post-university...and 88% said that it added to their employability.” The taking longer part is not emphasized enough; it just began to be accepted rather than seen as taboo.
Not too long ago I attended Vocare a career and Professional development retreat in Simi Valley meant to prepare and get students to begin thinking about options for after graduation. Judy Finkle a Political Science professor mentioned, “If you are interested in Graduate, Law, or Medicine school don’t apply yet, take time off. The reality is that the chair of the program you are attempting to get in needs assurance that you are far more interested and invested in the program than just your GRE scores on a sheet, they want to know that you are the best fit.” In other words, they want to know that you to stand out and that you offer experiences that will enrich your time as a graduate student.
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