Monday, April 10, 2017

Christian Boys Vs. Godly Men

It is time to stop settling for the lesser of the two.

Ladies, there is a huge difference between a Christian boy and a Godly man; therefore it is time to stop settling for the lesser of the two. So many times I hear girls saying,

Well, he’s a Christian.”
“He goes to church with me.”
“He listens to Christian music.”
“He went to church camp.”
“He has a favorite bible verse.”

Well all of those things are just peachy and there is nothing wrong with doing those things. I mean, they are all good things to do. But, how is his personal relationship with God? How is his prayer life? Does he talk about his relationship with God, to you? Is he truly a follower of the one true God in all aspects of his life? These are some of the characteristics you should be looking for that makes a Godly man.

Ladies, a man will love you great when he loves God greater. A Godly man will pursue an honest relationship with you. He will be clear of his intentions. A Godly man will worship, pray and passionately praise God with you. Whereas, a Christian boy might open the door for you, a Godly man will open his bible and explore God’s word with you so that you both may grow spiritually together. While a Christian boy may put on an outward show, Godly men will live out the love of Jesus daily.

According to BBC News, “Pew Research Center found that 71% of Americans identified as Christian in 2014 – down from 78% in 2007.” This is a large percentage of the American population. A Godly man does more because you deserve more.

A Godly man will be a leader. Trust me, I know that in today’s society Godly men are few and far while Christian boys come in plenty. But you deserve a man who is after God’s heart, not just a boy who goes to church. I know that this Christian boy may seem great and have some really stellar qualities at the time, but money and looks fade whereas an ongoing love for God and his family will not.

The greatest thing a man can do for a woman is to lead her closer to God than himself. So, I beg of you, do not settle. Do not settle just because you’re tired of being single, it’s convenient or because you want the relationship your friend has. Single does not equal available and a relationship statues does not define you. God uses your season of singleness to prepare you for what is to come. God’s timing is always better, no matter the circumstance. So, do not rush God. Therefore, turn your full focus to Him and He will direct your path.

I understand this was a whole lot of God talk pushed at you, but regardless of your faith, religion, beliefs or values, find a man that will guide you and support you. According to the American Psychological Association, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States Divorce. Therefore, find a man that is interested in what you believe in, dream of and support. Find someone that is genuinely interested in what you’re passionate about.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

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