Monday, March 7, 2016

The Problem With Islamophobia- Alec Dea

Alec Dea

Discussing Donald Trump’s ideas on immigration and banning Muslims from entering the U.S. last week in class reminded me of a controversial episode of Real Time with Bill Maher that aired in 2014.  One of the topics they discussed was the impact Islam has on terrorism.  During this segment, Ben Affleck got into a heated argument with Bill Maher and famous atheist, Sam Harris.  Harris’ main argument was that some of the core tenants of Islam do indeed influence this type of terrorism we see brewing in the Middle East.  He described how a small percentage of Muslims are jihadists (terrorists), a larger portion of Muslims are Islamists (Muslims who share terrorist’s goals but want to work through government and achieve them in a non violent way), and the rest are moderates who deplore everything terrorists stand for.  Harris thinks the crucial problem is that we’re misled to believe that the jihadists are the fringe. 
Harris believes that “liberals have really failed on the topic of theocracy.  They’ll criticize white theocracy, they’ll criticize Christians.  They still get agitated over the bombing of the abortion clinic that happened in 1984, but when you wanna talk about the treatment of women, homosexuals, freethinkers, public intellectuals in the Muslim world, I would argue that liberals have failed us.  He ends his opening argument by saying, “we have been sold this meme of Islamophobia where every criticism of the doctrine of Islam gets conflated with bigotry towards Muslims as people.  That’s intellectually ridiculous.”  He also admits that Islamophobia is real and it’s a problem, but his criticism of Muslim doctrine is nothing of the sort.  Such doctrinal criticisms include apostasy, which Affleck agreed is “just horrible.”  Yet, he found Harris’s argument to be “gross and racist”, ironically proving Harris’ point that people conflate criticism of ideas with bigotry towards people.  
Poll results justify Bill Maher and Harris’ claim that it is not only a few Muslim terrorists who pose a threat to humanity.   The 2013 Pew Research Center reports 88% of Muslims in Egypt and 62% of Muslims in Pakistan favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion.  The Pew also asked Muslims in 38 countries from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East whether or not they support making Sharia Law official.  “In many countries, the answer was overwhelmingly yes…” although it’s fair to point out that many Muslims think Sharia should only apply to Muslims and some aspects of Sharia Law should be not as harshly enforced as others.  
            Professor Carolyn Hoyle wrote an article for the “Daily Mail” discussing a recent execution of two Muslims for being gay.  While many countries are moving away from capital punishment, the Muslim world is “the worrying exception.”  Many countries continue, “to impose the death penalty for offenses which in most jurisdictions would never be considered crimes—such as homosexuality and adultery.  Harris brought up the fact that 78% of British Muslims think the Danish cartoonist should be prosecuted.

We have to empower the true Muslim reformers in the world to fix this issue.  Trying to get through to Affleck, Harris explained how “There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who are nominal Muslims… we need to defend these people, prop them up, and let them reform their faith.”  Despite Harris going over this same talking point multiple times, Affleck continued his imprudent outburst by calling these characterizations racist and “painting the religion with a broad brush.”  Affleck is known as a poster boy for liberalism, yet he expresses no qualm with those Muslims who think death is an appropriate response for apostasy, homosexuality, or free speech.  All of which are liberal principles.  With regards to terrorism, we need to diagnose the issue as we see it and not be so concerned with being seen as bigoted towards Muslims as people. 

Hoyle, Carolyn. "Thrown to Death... for Being Gay: Expert Argues ISIS's Latest Abomination Betrays Radical Muslims' New Thirst for Killing in the Name of Justice ." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers,
2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.

"Majorities of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan Support the Death Penalty for Leaving Islam." Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

“Real Time With Bill Maher”

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