I was listening to the Heidi and Frank Show on 95.5 KLOS, and they were discussing the
recent passing of former First Lady, Nancy Reagan. Naturally, the conversation shifted to her
husband, Ronald, and Heidi and Frank discussed their views on 1981-1989 President of the
United States. They spoke about him as a “good” president. He had many great
accomplishments and failures, according to University of California, Santa Barbara’s website
“The American Presidency Project.” In 1981, enactments were signed the enabled “a major
reduction in expenditures…and were designed to lower federal revenues over a five year period
in the amount of $737 billion.” He also achieved and agreement with the Soviet Union to
withdraw from their occupation of Afghanistan in 1988. A major failure was his execution of the
swap for Americans held by the Iranians in exchange for arms. The proceeds were given to the
anti-Communist rebels in Contras, Nicaragua. In conclusion, he had the best intentions for his
country, and he had a staff surrounding him that he listened to. At the end of the day, he was a
good president and a good man.
I cannot say that either of the above statements would be true of most of the
presidential candidates that we see running now. The idea of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco
Rubio, or Hillary Clinton representing our country is a scary one. Donald Trump wants to build a
nearly 2,000 mile wall across the Mexican-American border and ban all Muslims from entering
the United States. The first idea seems to be a realistic solution concocted by a five-year old,
and the second mirrors the ideology of Adolf Hitler. In an interview with ABC News, Ted Cruz
announced that “ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity. Well, I think we should
help them. We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age.” This is another mindless,
generalized solution that terrifies me. The solution to anti-American groups is “bomb them back
to the Stone Age” should not be coming from the next possible leader of the free world.
Another beacon of hope for America is Marco Rubio—a man who, according to CBS News,
attacked Trump by saying, “He’s like 6’2,” which is why I don’t understand why his hands are
the size of someone who is 5’2”. Have you seen his hands?” Finally, there is Hillary Clinton. She
has flipped from believing marriage was “a sacred bond between a man and a woman” to “I
support marriage for gay and lesbian couples.” In 2008, she claimed to have been landing in
Bosnia under “sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the
airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base”
(George Washington University campaign event). A greeting ceremony is exactly what she
got—nothing else. There was certainly no sniper fire or anything close to violence anywhere
near her. Besides her little problem with bold-faced lies, she has flip-flopped on immigration,
gun control, and financial reform to name a few.
The Republican candidates act like children crying over spilled milk. Instead of simply
cleaning it up and moving on, they whine about why it was the other’s fault and who has the
better toys. These are definitely not the behaviors of grown men, and they all seem hardly
capable of handling even a low level manager job at a fast food restaurant. As for Hillary, she is
a liar who has been caught lying repeatedly. Any employment opportunity (other than
American politician) would be swiftly terminated at even one lie. However, Hillary continues on
her campaign trail as oblivious and disconnected from the American people as ever.
In conclusion, I would like to explain a meme I saw poking fun at each of these
candidates. Ted Cruz—first Canadian-born president; Marco Rubio—first Cuban-American
President; Hillary Clinton—first female president; Donald Trump—last president. At this point, I
feel that this election is giving people even more incentive to vote. We are at a critical time in
out nation’s history, and who we elect to lead our country will affect the course of the United
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