Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Letter to my Future Daughter

Dear Daughter,
As I write this letter to you with a heavy heart, a man named Donald Trump currently sits in the most power position in the world, as the president of the United States. I hope you are not born soon, or at least not in the next couple of years, but even if you are I’m sure you will be absolutely beautiful. My heart is heavy because I ache knowing all too well the world you will be born into, and it isn’t a pretty one-especially for a woman.

I wish I could say we were all equal. That when you finally got your first little retail job over the summer you’d be getting paid the same amount as your male-counterpart. Despite opening and closing the store, and organizing inventory all the same, you’ll be receiving 20% less than him-even if it is you reminding him of what his weekly hours are.

You’ll come home and ask me if it was a mistake, and you’ll have little tears swelling up in those big oceanic crystals of yours, and I won’t be able to respond- because I know it wasn’t a mistake and there aren’t any words for me to explain that it isn’t your fault, it’s just the way things are.
You and I are going to fight. We’re going to bicker about why you shouldn’t take ubers and taxis alone. You’re going to tell me I’m being dramatic and overbearing, and I’m going to tell you that one in five women in the United States gets sexually assaulted every year.

This means, my beautiful girl, that while you’re out with your clique, one out of the five of you or two out of the ten of you, will indeed be sexually assaulted, if it hasn’t happened already. You’re going to say “bullshit mom” and rush out the door with the high-heels you stole from my closet, and I’m going to be sitting at home praying you’re okay the whole time- because I cannot fathom anything happening to my other half.

I’ll buy you pepper-spray and bear mace but you’ll tell me that your university has banned the carrying of both because it once leaked into a girl’s backpack and therefore is considered a hazard to the student community.

I’ll scream and throw Italian hands in the air because this is the world we live in as women. Where the statistics show that women get assaulted, but we are often are so limited in how we can protect ourselves. I’m going to sneak a spray or two into your backpack, anyways because I’d rather you be safe than sorry.

I need you to remember my love, that you are beautiful and smart-talented and wise beyond your youthful years. Never, ever, EVER, let a man tell you or convince you otherwise. You are strong, and independent. You do not need a man to succeed in this life or the next.

But if you fall in love, my darling, make sure it is with a man with a good heart and a good mind. He is not to be disrespectful to you, to talk down to you, or to make you feel lesser than you are. If he one drunken night puts his hands on you- you may think “boys will be boys”, because that is what our society has taught us-that if a man puts his hands on us, he’s just being a man and its truly a sign of affection. WRONG.

Your aunt Alexis once told off two women in the school yard whose boys were picking on you. The women said, “they’re just being boys”, “I’m sure they just want to be friends” and your aunt Alexis replied, “no, you should be teaching your boys how to treat women with respect because that way they will grow up to be kind to women, and not to shove them into walls or beat them black and blue.”

Did you know my love, that The Los Angeles Review of Women reported that in 2014 alone, “L.A. County law enforcement agencies reported receiving 39,145 calls for assistance related to domestic violence? Thus, such targeted violence, women may become isolated, unable to work and to care for themselves and their children”.

Almost 40 thousand women reported being assaulted, terrifyingly so, this number excludes all the women who were too scared to speak up-which based on recent reports is staggeringly high as well.
Boys will not be boys, remember that. Settle for a man who will care for you and motivate you to be the best version of yourself and push you to achieve all your wildest dreams. Settle for a man who will talk to you, not at you.

I wish I could say the world has become a safer place since my childhood, but it has only gotten worse. I wish I could say that we didn’t have a president that refers to women as pigs, dogs and meat. That his rhetoric didn’t encourage aggression towards women, but I can’t. I can only teach you to not settle for less, to speak so loud against this oppression that your voice is heard all the way back home in the mountains of Italy. I can only teach you to rise, and to keep rising.

I can only remind you that you are beautiful, smart and wise. That you will succeed to matter what you decide to set your heart into. I can only comfort you when the tears of injustice soak your worn teddy. I can only encourage you, support you and love you like no mother has ever loved before. You are beautiful, and you will never need a man to succeed because you’ll obtain the world just the way you are.

I am forever proud to call you my daughter, my love and my other half. I will always be here for you, my princess.


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